The Journey

I have lived in California all my life and have loved every moment of it with the occasional roller coaster ride. As a fashion student I love style and how every county, state, and city has its own. Then I traveled over 3000 miles to study in New York. What an eye opener! There is so much more than my little corner of so cal. I want to become a world traveler and reputable fashion show producer but most important I want to live. My journey starts here. What seems to be a simple geography assignment will actually become a life assignment in fashion and travel.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What America Started Out As and What New York Has Steered Away From: Agriculture!

Even though New York is not one of the 50 states who has a great agricultural business. They are known for other things that have been part of American Society for many years now. Agriculture still plays a huge role in the american economy and it is how we started out before all these technological advances came about.

There are many states in the midwest, called the agricultural core, that thrive off agriculture. These states, Iowa, Missouri, Illiois, Indian, Ohio and parts of Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kentucky, each have different products they specialize in but also have very similar characteristics that are extremely different than New York. Most of the land is cultivated for crops in theses states where as in New York most of the land, in the five boroughs at least, are covered in buildings, housing, and skyscrapers.

The land in this area is of the best for growing crops and raising farm animals. Even though the number of farms has decreased the size of the farms have increased. Much of these communities have acres between neighbors and are blocked off to look like squares. If you have ever flown from So Cal to New York and have looked out your window mid flight, you will have noticed that everything looks the same. Like big rectangles, big farms. In New York where you would have lofts and multi level walk ups. In a place like Iowa you would have barns and flat houses.

Products made in this agriculture core, specifically Iowa include: corn, cattle, wheat, hogs, eggs and dairy.
A newer crop in this region is the soybean. Many farmers transition between corn and soybeans to get the maximum use of space and be more productive.

In New York however there are not as many agricultural products being made. Apples, grapes, and dairy are the main and few that New York leads in.

We see how states even closer to New York than Cali may have simillar characteristics but so very different.

Another geographical region vastly different from New York and So Cal is the Great Plains featured in the next post.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Florida Westward the Swamps and North to New York

In California we think of the coast lands of sunny beaches, warm weather, and that occasional morning fog. Down in the penninusla of Florida that may be the case as well however they also have massive amounts of rain and extra high percentages in humidity. that along with the rest of the swampy coast of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Totally opposite from New York's coast as well. New York has a very unique coast with beaches in the summer however very humid and hot! Down in Florida there is more of a breeze. Also in New York you can only go to the beach between say may and September. In Florida beaches are open all year round.

Down in the swamps of the southern states, as i have been saying, it is very hot and muggy. Every now and then though the temperature does a complete 180 and things freeze. Many of Florida's crops get damaged by frosts and that effects New York's citrus and agriculture supply. New York then turns to California for their produce and still may not have enough because California gets droughts.

Other characteristics of the gulf are the Hurricanes. These harsh storms rarely make it to California's beaches however defiantly make their way up the coast to New York. It brings them lots of rain and wind and some hurricanes actually hit land and destroy beachfront property, mainly out on Long Island.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Southern Influences

The southern states are  influenced by many cultures including the French, African American, and Hill Billy's. The french have a big influence in New Orleans with the main festivity being Mardi Gras. The Hill Billy's as they are called from many areas in the southern states contribute to the "classic" American culture of drinking, car races particularly NASCAR, and farming. New Orleans culture travels throughout the US and particularly up to New York during Mardi Gras season. However the hill billy culture stays in the south because New York is associate with a higher class of people.

The African American culture is prominent throughout the US but what originate in the south is what THE SOUTH is known for. Slavery began in the south and spread throughout the US, now that slaves are free the African American people are more appreciated and respected. Their style of cooking is loved everywhere and was brought into New York's Harlem. The fried chicken and waffles, biscuits and gravy, chicken friend

The South doesn't have a range of cultures influencing this area however southern culture also influences other cultures and as mentioned previously,has a big impact on New York's city of Harlem.

When people visit new york and travel uptown to Harlem the experience a great eclectic mix of southern style cooking, jazz music, and mostly the African American heritage. When looking particularly at the style of dress the southern culture has brought to the north east we find eclectic colors, headwraps, bold prints, and big jewlery.

Geographically speaking, it is hard for the south to contribute much to New York however some rivers and mountain ranges do connect the two areas.

Also in the south we find Flordia which is a major spring and summer vacation spot for many new yorkers. Just as NYC, Miami is a big fashion leader, not necessarily of the world but in the United States.

Next week will be a bigger article about Florida :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Slightly West of the Empire State Lies...

The Appalachian Mountains

These mountains are highly known in the East but contrary to belief they are a fairly low mountain range. They consist of many valleys and ridges. But besides that they are known for the longest foot path for hiking, that runs from Georgia to Maine. Also another fact about this area is that there a lot of native American Indian tribes residing here.

In regards to geography, it is known to be the dividing line between the east and the west. Over 400 million years ago they were the highest peaks however today that is not the case. This range also has rivers running through it which is very rare for younger ranges. These mountains are also highly forested and are home to 5 different types of squirels, black bears, raccoons, woodchucks, bob cats, and grey foxes. While we are in the topic of animals there are also rare wild turkeys and ruffed grouse what ever that is :) If you are squeemish of animals and wilderness I do not suggest visiting these mountains. If you love the outdoors and are looking for history and beautiful views and nature, this is a must see in your lifetime.

 Many people from NY vacation in Appalachia.

Because this area was and is still somewhat populated by Indians I decided to display some fashionable Indian inspired garments!

Stay tuned for Outfits from the South and Fun Southern Facts!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Forgotten Up State New York

Thinking of New York our mind automatically goes to Manhattan and the big city. We forget that there is more to NY. Much more. The most land is in upstate New York. Popular cities here are Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and the capital, Albany. Up state NY is part of the Bypassed East. The book chapter talks most about New England and Nova Scotia so I still feel up state new york is forgotten.

In this area are the main suburbs of new york, many mountains with skiing and snowboarding resorts, as well as farmland and forestry. The people from Upstate live a very different life than the people from Manhattan. They are more laid back and into nature. They are also all very WHITE. No tanning in upstate I guess. People here are less into business than city folk and can easily travel to any area in the East. Except, did you know that its about 8hrs to get from Manhattan to Buffalo. That is how long it takes me to get from Los Angeles, CA to Lake Tahoe, NV.

According to, fireflies and skunks are commonly found here. Other "fun tidbits" on this site include songs about upstate and funny words and pronunciations special to upstate. So I guess some people don't forget about Upstate New York.

I hope you will now think of Upstate instead of just Manhattan when you hear New York! :)