The Journey

I have lived in California all my life and have loved every moment of it with the occasional roller coaster ride. As a fashion student I love style and how every county, state, and city has its own. Then I traveled over 3000 miles to study in New York. What an eye opener! There is so much more than my little corner of so cal. I want to become a world traveler and reputable fashion show producer but most important I want to live. My journey starts here. What seems to be a simple geography assignment will actually become a life assignment in fashion and travel.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Florida Westward the Swamps and North to New York

In California we think of the coast lands of sunny beaches, warm weather, and that occasional morning fog. Down in the penninusla of Florida that may be the case as well however they also have massive amounts of rain and extra high percentages in humidity. that along with the rest of the swampy coast of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Totally opposite from New York's coast as well. New York has a very unique coast with beaches in the summer however very humid and hot! Down in Florida there is more of a breeze. Also in New York you can only go to the beach between say may and September. In Florida beaches are open all year round.

Down in the swamps of the southern states, as i have been saying, it is very hot and muggy. Every now and then though the temperature does a complete 180 and things freeze. Many of Florida's crops get damaged by frosts and that effects New York's citrus and agriculture supply. New York then turns to California for their produce and still may not have enough because California gets droughts.

Other characteristics of the gulf are the Hurricanes. These harsh storms rarely make it to California's beaches however defiantly make their way up the coast to New York. It brings them lots of rain and wind and some hurricanes actually hit land and destroy beachfront property, mainly out on Long Island.

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