The Journey

I have lived in California all my life and have loved every moment of it with the occasional roller coaster ride. As a fashion student I love style and how every county, state, and city has its own. Then I traveled over 3000 miles to study in New York. What an eye opener! There is so much more than my little corner of so cal. I want to become a world traveler and reputable fashion show producer but most important I want to live. My journey starts here. What seems to be a simple geography assignment will actually become a life assignment in fashion and travel.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Valcanoes, Palm Trees and Luaus?

Well I am not talking about NY that's for sure! But in its own way..NY has nightly luaus at the hottest clubs complete with dancing that may not be the hula but its close enough, volcanoes that explode in the form of commuters filing out of the rush hour subway, and palm trees in the form of skyscrapers, dozens and dozens of them.

Hawaii is the only state that is made of several small islands of volcanoes. There is more geography here than in New York. Each island is different, just as each borough of NY is different.

The cuture of hawaii combines a desire for peacefullness, relaxation, and wealth in all its forms. The white sand beaches, volcanoes, lava feilds, and all sorts of outdoor activities complete this state, as well as the hawaiian people, asian influence, and US history from WWII.

Neither NY or Hawaii can bore you no matter what you are into.

Hawaii is a tropical paradise where NY is a throbbing headache that calms at the most appropriate moment. There are views in each state that are breathtaking in their own ways. In visiting both I can see why people share love for each. Central Park my be considered the most outdoorsy place you can visit in NY that can compare even remotely to Hawaii.

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