The Journey

I have lived in California all my life and have loved every moment of it with the occasional roller coaster ride. As a fashion student I love style and how every county, state, and city has its own. Then I traveled over 3000 miles to study in New York. What an eye opener! There is so much more than my little corner of so cal. I want to become a world traveler and reputable fashion show producer but most important I want to live. My journey starts here. What seems to be a simple geography assignment will actually become a life assignment in fashion and travel.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Final Thoughts

I hope you have enjoyed the life of this blog. Some weeks I wasn't as into writting as I thought I would be but felt I delivered just the same. I hope I will continue blogging but maybe more on travel and not geography. Thank you to the GEOG 321 Class that promted me with this assignment.

Happy Travels!


Valcanoes, Palm Trees and Luaus?

Well I am not talking about NY that's for sure! But in its own way..NY has nightly luaus at the hottest clubs complete with dancing that may not be the hula but its close enough, volcanoes that explode in the form of commuters filing out of the rush hour subway, and palm trees in the form of skyscrapers, dozens and dozens of them.

Hawaii is the only state that is made of several small islands of volcanoes. There is more geography here than in New York. Each island is different, just as each borough of NY is different.

The cuture of hawaii combines a desire for peacefullness, relaxation, and wealth in all its forms. The white sand beaches, volcanoes, lava feilds, and all sorts of outdoor activities complete this state, as well as the hawaiian people, asian influence, and US history from WWII.

Neither NY or Hawaii can bore you no matter what you are into.

Hawaii is a tropical paradise where NY is a throbbing headache that calms at the most appropriate moment. There are views in each state that are breathtaking in their own ways. In visiting both I can see why people share love for each. Central Park my be considered the most outdoorsy place you can visit in NY that can compare even remotely to Hawaii.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Atlantic to Pacific

New York is located along the northern east coast on the Atlantic Ocean. What can we find opposite this on the Pacific Ocean. The north western states.

Just as the east coast has many natural resources, the west coast has an abundance of fishing and forestry that provides much of the countries seafood and timber. The most of fish harvested here are salmon and on the east coast a big fish contribution is cod and swordfish.

On the east coast and specifically in new york there is not so much fishing but trees are in some abundance. The trees here however are mostly apple and on the west coast we find trees such as Douglas fir, red cedar, hemlock and redwoods. These trees have many uses but mainly the look beautiful. In areas such as Oregon and Washington people go to get away from big cities and experience nature. The Douglas fir however is a main contributor to housing floors, doors, and ply wood.  

This region is also home to Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in North America! There is also an active volcano along this coast that last erupted in 1980. This feature is simillar to that of the Hawaiian islands that will be discussed in the next post.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Compare West to East

We have finally reach sunny California. On our journey from New York to Cali we have visited everywhere in between. In my journey I went from west, Cali, to east, NY and did not stop in between. I now get to write about my favorite state, tied with new york of course.

Lets compare California with New York.

Cali: almost like summer year round
NY: very cold and snowy winters

Cali: Fashion Capital of the Country!
NY: Fashion Capital of the Country!

Cali: Beach as tourist attraction
NY: City as tourist attraction

Cali: Coastal
NY: Coastal

Cali: Relaxed
NY: Fast Paced

Cali: Heavy Mexican and Asian influences

NY: Heavy Jewish and Italian influences

Cali: Traffic!
NY: Traffic!

Cali: Los Angeles
NY: Manhattan

Cali: Earthquake country
NY: Hit by huricanes

Cali: Sacramento
NY: Albany

What other differences can you think of? Comment please!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Southwestern Boarders and Corners

Now I know this isn't the chapter about California but it does include so cal. Woo hometown!! I will talk about California next week so today we will focus on the US Mexico border and its influence on the states. Also about the fact that you dont find much Mexican influence in New York.

I do remember going to one part of queens a couple times and getting fantastic Mexican food but that was only one town one area of the gigantic NYC!

This area like much of the US is known for its ethnic diversity. Since this area closely borders Mexico there are many Mexican immigrants and immigration concerns. As well as the Mexican influence, in this southwestern border we find American Indian cultures. As I mentioned previously New York has a very small Mexican population but an even smaller population of American Indians. 

The Mexicans gave the United States a variety traditions and the American Indians did as well. There are many historic sights that represent Indian and Mexican history and culture. In Arizona there are many Indian reservations, in Texas there are a lot of Spanish adobes and in southern California, many Mexican missions.

Ironically the Mexican influence in New York is in the southwestern portion of the state. An area of queens in quite heavily populate by Hispanic peoples and there you can find the best part of Mexico is once again the food the food! Always authentic and fresh.

All this to say..the southern most border of the US and Mexico has a lot of Mexican influence and as you go further east into New York there becomes less and less of a Mexican population however many states do have places where you can get great Mexican food. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Varrying Peoples

As much of the other regions of the US, New York is so very different. It stands especially true in the empty interior. This region has so much empty space and many national parks and features of the sort. New York City fills every space possible with buildings and people that there is no room to preserve any national parks.

Every post thus far has talked about what can be found in New York compared to other states and regions. Things found and written about included buildings, products, and physical features. This time I would like to discuss the people found in New York compared to a big state in the Empty Interior, Utah.

Now I am also doing my term paper on this state and discussing its physical features and geographical attributes however the text talks a lot about the Mormon culture in Utah. This culture can be seen in other states and parts of the world but is seen differently.

There is such a strong presence of Mormon people, 70 percent of the population, in Utah that there is almost no presence of non Mormons here. Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Ironically, this church was founded in New York in 1830. they were not accepted here and moved further and further west until they found present day Salt Lake City, Utah.

There is a show on TLC called sister wives where there is a man who is married to four woman at the same time and they all live together one big but separate life. They are all Mormon and live in Utah. This man has 16 kids. This is not how all Mormons live. many just have one spouse but they do still have a lot of kids because that is their belief system.

New York's Mormon population is 4% that of Utah's. Instead the more common type of people found in New York: Jewish and Italian cultures. In terms of our country however New York has the biggest African American poplulation and about 12% of New York claims to be jewish but NYC is the largest jewish congregation outside of Israel. New York's Italian culture is the largest in the US. These cultures are extreamly different from mormonism and extreamly different from each other as well.

Mormon Temple in Utah

The Famous Carnegie Deli in New York brought to us by the Jewish community.

New York's Little Italy. The Italian community is so big New York has a town just for Italians.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New York is No Little House on The Prairie

When I was younger my sister and I would watch Little House on The Prairie EVERYDAY over summer. We watched so much we would see repeats and we got to know the characters very well. When ever I think of the middle of the country and states like Nebraska and Kansas I think of that TV show. I also think even now how separated these states are from New York or even Cali. There are no grasslands in Manhattan. No one raises cattle or churns their own butter either. Even in the old days New York wasn't so old fashioned, they were ahead of the times and still are today.

To get into the more specifics of the plains and prairies, they arent just feilds of grass and wheat. The states in this region serve as backdrops for many movies and attract tourists with their great geographic features such as their open lands. Many California residents are moving to these states for the lower cost of living. Also all these stats are in the middle of the country its just a two or three hour flight to either LA or NY. Not a bad deal if you have family on the coasts and like nature :)

If you do not however, New York goes far and beyond nature. Obviously this area differs from New York in that NY has more population, more urbanization and more building. I wouldn't say NY conducts more business because there is plenty business to be had in the prairies as fair as wheat and cattle are concerned but there is deffinately a bigger population. Throughout this blog I have of written lots about what New York is and is not. And people who have grown up in Manhattan will deffinatly not survive in a sity like Whichita, Kansas.

The next post we will go into more fast areas of land and state in the Empty Interior and I will offer new insite and fashion tips :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What America Started Out As and What New York Has Steered Away From: Agriculture!

Even though New York is not one of the 50 states who has a great agricultural business. They are known for other things that have been part of American Society for many years now. Agriculture still plays a huge role in the american economy and it is how we started out before all these technological advances came about.

There are many states in the midwest, called the agricultural core, that thrive off agriculture. These states, Iowa, Missouri, Illiois, Indian, Ohio and parts of Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kentucky, each have different products they specialize in but also have very similar characteristics that are extremely different than New York. Most of the land is cultivated for crops in theses states where as in New York most of the land, in the five boroughs at least, are covered in buildings, housing, and skyscrapers.

The land in this area is of the best for growing crops and raising farm animals. Even though the number of farms has decreased the size of the farms have increased. Much of these communities have acres between neighbors and are blocked off to look like squares. If you have ever flown from So Cal to New York and have looked out your window mid flight, you will have noticed that everything looks the same. Like big rectangles, big farms. In New York where you would have lofts and multi level walk ups. In a place like Iowa you would have barns and flat houses.

Products made in this agriculture core, specifically Iowa include: corn, cattle, wheat, hogs, eggs and dairy.
A newer crop in this region is the soybean. Many farmers transition between corn and soybeans to get the maximum use of space and be more productive.

In New York however there are not as many agricultural products being made. Apples, grapes, and dairy are the main and few that New York leads in.

We see how states even closer to New York than Cali may have simillar characteristics but so very different.

Another geographical region vastly different from New York and So Cal is the Great Plains featured in the next post.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Florida Westward the Swamps and North to New York

In California we think of the coast lands of sunny beaches, warm weather, and that occasional morning fog. Down in the penninusla of Florida that may be the case as well however they also have massive amounts of rain and extra high percentages in humidity. that along with the rest of the swampy coast of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

Totally opposite from New York's coast as well. New York has a very unique coast with beaches in the summer however very humid and hot! Down in Florida there is more of a breeze. Also in New York you can only go to the beach between say may and September. In Florida beaches are open all year round.

Down in the swamps of the southern states, as i have been saying, it is very hot and muggy. Every now and then though the temperature does a complete 180 and things freeze. Many of Florida's crops get damaged by frosts and that effects New York's citrus and agriculture supply. New York then turns to California for their produce and still may not have enough because California gets droughts.

Other characteristics of the gulf are the Hurricanes. These harsh storms rarely make it to California's beaches however defiantly make their way up the coast to New York. It brings them lots of rain and wind and some hurricanes actually hit land and destroy beachfront property, mainly out on Long Island.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Southern Influences

The southern states are  influenced by many cultures including the French, African American, and Hill Billy's. The french have a big influence in New Orleans with the main festivity being Mardi Gras. The Hill Billy's as they are called from many areas in the southern states contribute to the "classic" American culture of drinking, car races particularly NASCAR, and farming. New Orleans culture travels throughout the US and particularly up to New York during Mardi Gras season. However the hill billy culture stays in the south because New York is associate with a higher class of people.

The African American culture is prominent throughout the US but what originate in the south is what THE SOUTH is known for. Slavery began in the south and spread throughout the US, now that slaves are free the African American people are more appreciated and respected. Their style of cooking is loved everywhere and was brought into New York's Harlem. The fried chicken and waffles, biscuits and gravy, chicken friend

The South doesn't have a range of cultures influencing this area however southern culture also influences other cultures and as mentioned previously,has a big impact on New York's city of Harlem.

When people visit new york and travel uptown to Harlem the experience a great eclectic mix of southern style cooking, jazz music, and mostly the African American heritage. When looking particularly at the style of dress the southern culture has brought to the north east we find eclectic colors, headwraps, bold prints, and big jewlery.

Geographically speaking, it is hard for the south to contribute much to New York however some rivers and mountain ranges do connect the two areas.

Also in the south we find Flordia which is a major spring and summer vacation spot for many new yorkers. Just as NYC, Miami is a big fashion leader, not necessarily of the world but in the United States.

Next week will be a bigger article about Florida :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Slightly West of the Empire State Lies...

The Appalachian Mountains

These mountains are highly known in the East but contrary to belief they are a fairly low mountain range. They consist of many valleys and ridges. But besides that they are known for the longest foot path for hiking, that runs from Georgia to Maine. Also another fact about this area is that there a lot of native American Indian tribes residing here.

In regards to geography, it is known to be the dividing line between the east and the west. Over 400 million years ago they were the highest peaks however today that is not the case. This range also has rivers running through it which is very rare for younger ranges. These mountains are also highly forested and are home to 5 different types of squirels, black bears, raccoons, woodchucks, bob cats, and grey foxes. While we are in the topic of animals there are also rare wild turkeys and ruffed grouse what ever that is :) If you are squeemish of animals and wilderness I do not suggest visiting these mountains. If you love the outdoors and are looking for history and beautiful views and nature, this is a must see in your lifetime.

 Many people from NY vacation in Appalachia.

Because this area was and is still somewhat populated by Indians I decided to display some fashionable Indian inspired garments!

Stay tuned for Outfits from the South and Fun Southern Facts!